Beautiful honey mahogany neck
Finger board is Indonesian rosewood
Head stuck is stunning
High gloss finish
I picked this beauty up completely randomly in a shop and bought it straight away
For a 12 string it plays so easily and effortlessly. There’s no buzzing or fretting out and it’s
A super comfortable guitar to play! Very very light but sturdy. I played it for 5 hours straight
It’s not gone out of tune once! The shape is standard and the gloss finish is really striking
Ok so I play a bit of everything from
Classic rock jazz and blues through to
Punk rock and ska… Even some Elton John… Yawwn
This guitar sounds great with everything I’ve played. And it was so easy to go from
A 6 string to this 12 string because the neck is so comfortable.
It sounds full and bright but without being a tinny mess it’s just a beautiful tone
I started playing folk with it and finished playing the buzz cocks! It made an ease punk song come alive on an acoustic guitar!
Ancora non ci sono recensioni.